Physiotherapy is the science based profession of scientific physical therapeutic system of medicine for diagnosis, prevention and treatment with an approach of improving functional independence by restoring the movements. Physiotherapist help improve the quality of life. Physiotherapists help people affected by injury illness disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advise. It is your excellent apt selection to study at Shri Indra Ganesan Institute of Medical Science College of Physiotherapy which is one of the esteemed self financing co-educational academic institutions dedicated to provide quality customize educational program in India for professional and personal lives launched under the aegis of Indra Ganesan Educational and Charitable Trust.
- An under graduate course in Physiotherapy is to impart an in-depth knowledge and skill to a student to become competent in the techniques and develop the proper attitude required for the practice of Physiotherapy and carry out treatment prescribed by the Physician.
- It is a 4 year Full Time undergraduate course with six month compulsory internship.
- To prepare compassionate, competent, and ethical entry-level physiotherapists, with the skills and techniques necessary for the physical diagnosis, prevention and management of various conditions based on current evidence of physiotherapy practice.
- Develops skills and physiotherapy techniques such as therapeutic massage and manual therapy, exercise, electrotherapy, specialized techniques in the field of various specialties relevant to physiotherapy practice.
- To plan and implement appropriate physiotherapeutic intervention for all clinical conditions related to physiotherapy in acute and chronic phases, critical care, indoor and outdoor B.P.T. Regulations 2010-2011 institutional care and independent practice.
- Ability to crucially appraise published literature, interpret data and to broaden his/her knowledge by keeping abreast with modern developments in the respective physiotherapy and thereby enhancing research ability.
- Development of proper attitude or compassion and concern for the individual and welfare of the physically handicapped in the institution and community levels.
- To develop skills as a self-directed learner, recognize continuous education, select and use appropriate learning resources.
- Ability to inculcate appropriate professional relationship in multidisciplinary set up, patient management and co-partnership basis.