Electronics and Communication Engineering
The department provides Bachelor's programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering for 4 years and Master's porgramme in VLSI for 2 years. Top qualified, dedicated faculty members in the college specialized in various fields of Electronics and Communication Engineering for so many years. The ECE department aims at providing skill based training along with the curriculum in the college to bring out strong, competent students of engineering with sound knowledge in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering for a better future.
To develop the department into a full-fledged centre of learning in various fields of Electronics and Communication Engineering keeping the latest developments in view. To model Electronics and Communication engineers with self proficiency in education, research, development and dedication. To become a front-runner in bringing out globally competent Electronics and Communication engineers, innovators, researchers, and entrepreneurs and thereby contribute value to the knowledge-based economy and society.
To produce technically competent and socially responsible Electronics and Communication Engineers to meet industry needs.
Establishing state-of-the-art facilities in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and enriching the knowledge of faculty through continuous improvement process.
Adopting innovative teaching learning practices and facilitating industry institute partnership for professional development.
Inculcating ethical and social values through extension activities.