Medical Laboratory Technology


The Medical Lab is the backbone of any hospital, either a small nursing home or a large corporate hospital. However much a doctor can assess the patient, he or she cannot give proper treatment without the benefit of laboratory results. The three pillars of Medical Labarotory technology are Biochemistry, Microbiology and Pathology. The Medical Lab Technologists are trained to have basic knowledge in these three pillars of Labaratory Medicine.

The opportunities for Medical Lab Technicians is limitless considering the very important role labs play in supporting clinicians. Such professionals can find themselves employed in private laboratories, hospitals, blood donor centers, emergency centers, and clinics. They can also find jobs in crime laboratories, research facilities, pharmaceutical companies, universities, and defense.

Further, students also can pursue PG Programme in Medical Laboratory Technology and after successful completion of PG, they are employed as Lecturers / Instructors in the teaching institutions of Medical Laboratory Technology. They can also start and run diagnostic centers along with the medical professionals.